RS4WOMEN – Social Inclusion of Women for Better Life Through Sport

TIMESPAN OF THE PROJECT: 01/03/2024 - 28/02/2025


The project aims to: 

  • foster social and physical inclusion of older women (60+ age group) and young women (18-35 age group) with fewer opportunities.
  • to prevent older women from leaving social life;
  • to integrate older women into the community contacting with young women and local people;
  • to increase learner self-confidence, self-esteem helping them to be proud of completing this private trainings, 
  • to cultivate and encourage optimism;
  • to make the participants feel that they are part of a wider community;
  • to increase in the quantity and quality of social connections and reduce social isolation and feelings of loneliness;
  • to  improve readiness for trying new things;
  • to work together with other institutions will integrate and add value and dimensions to this European project.


The project will engage in the following activities:

  • Wellbeing courses
  • Coastal rowing courses
  • Pilates courses
  • Swimming courses
  • International Conference
  • Peer-Reviewed Article


The project will generate the following outcomes:

  • Target Group: A total of 100 women, including 50 aged 18-35 and 50 aged 60+.
  • Short-Term Effects: Participants are expected to experience increased daily energy levels, socialization with new acquaintances, departure from old routines, and engagement in new stress-reducing activities.
  • Medium-Term Effects: Participants are anticipated to apply acquired knowledge, developing resilience against stress and strategies to mitigate overthinking. They may also form new friendships and recognize their role in a supportive community.
  • Long-Term Effects: Participants are projected to internalize stress resilience strategies and methods to prevent overthinking, sustaining active engagement in new events and exploration of novel experiences.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.