The partners of the CAMPLUS Empowerment for migrants- from camps to Integration Erasmus + project (pr. number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000028439) achieved another important result: the publication of the e-learning platform! 

The platform is an open educational online resource based on the content previously developed by the partners: the guide for trainers with methodological resources, the notebook for learners to keep track of the different stages of the creation process of entrepreneurial Ideas, and specifically the training modules of the Manual. The platform contains training modules aimed at learners from the refugee camps, designed to facilitate and stimulate lifelong learning, bridging the gap between education and employment.

The e-learning platform has been designed to be accessible and Inclusive to all, enabling learners to develop entrepreneurial skills through interactive lessons and quizzes to test achievements. 

However, all materials of the platform have been designed by partners to allow students to go through all modules without external support.

The modules of the platform focus on: 

  • Module 1. Identifying competencies
  • Module 2: Strengthening competences
  • Module 3: Competence assessment
  • Module 4: Embracing Competence
  • Module 5: Careers and Entrepreneurship 
  • Module 6: Contexlualising the CAMPLUS-model
  • Module 7: Acculturation

Full course functions are only accessible in the courses the refugees will be working on (password-protected to protect privacy).

The e-learning platform has been created In English and translated Into partner languages: German, Italian, Greek, Kurdish, and Dutch. The e-learning platform represents an Innovative and Important achievement for all and it will be soon tested with refugees In the camps of Larissa, Greece, and Erbil In Kurdish Iraq.

Follow the project’s social media for all future updates: XInstagramFacebookLinkedIn.