As the second half of the Phytech Youth project is approaching, the partners of the Phytech Youth consortium (composed of the Bolu Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports from Turkey, Slovak Sport Organisation from Slovakia, and IRSEI from Italy) gathered in Palermo for the Interim Meeting, the first one held in presence.
During this two-days meeting, the partners discussed the state of the art of the project results already achieved, the way they will be diffused to the public and the impact they will have in the project development.
Moreover, as leader of the activity, IRSEI kickstarted the works for the Phytech Youth Platform. As such, the platform will represent the core of the project, as it will aim at informing and raising awareness among youngsters, youth workers, sport organisations, and policymakers about the opportunities and threats of using digital technologies in physical activity, so that they will approach it in a healthy and self-aware manner.
Among the other topics on discussion, the consortium planned the next project steps, including the training experience in Bolu that will be held in May 2025 and the final conference that will be held in October 2025 in Bratislava and hosted by the Slovak Sport Organisation.
For further updates on the Phytech Youth project, check out the Instagram page and website!